Thursday, January 12, 2017

What my name means.

        Okay if you don't already know my full name is Souban Ali Khan. It is not a american name it acutely is a Arabic name. I got the name from a murshrut (Moor-sher-rut) it is the priest of my religion. So the way it works is he gives a bunch of names and my parents choose which one they like which is how I got my first name. My middle name and last name are my dad's middle and last. So the meaning of Souban is follower. The meaning of Ali is sublime if you don't know what sublime means it means "of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe." Now on to my last, Khan means "Leader, Pathon, Or King. I'm am so grateful for the name my father and mother gave me and meanings they come with it.  

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